Thanksgiving Day is a work day here in Cambodia, but after work, all the Maryknoll team gather for a turkey dinner each year, inviting a few colleagues who pray with us regularly through the year. Click here to see this year’s dinner.
Charlie Dittmeier's Home Page
Happenings in the Maryknoll world, especially in the Cambodia Mission Team.
Thanksgiving Day is a work day here in Cambodia, but after work, all the Maryknoll team gather for a turkey dinner each year, inviting a few colleagues who pray with us regularly through the year. Click here to see this year’s dinner.
For the past week, Maryknoll Cambodia has hosted what we call an immersion trip, bringing a group from usually the United States and exposing them to the language and culture and people of Cambodia to help them get an idea of mission in this country.
Mr. Jan Frey in Germany, a long-time friend and reader of this website, sent me an e-mail noting that the link to Maryknoll Bangkok Meetings–3 (scroll down to 13 November) wasn’t working. I checked it out and found that I had prepared the page the link connects to, but had neglected to “Publish” the page after I completed it. It should be working now, Thanks, Jan!
Today was half meeting to finish the agenda and half a Thanksgiving celebration to mark the US holiday two weeks early while we were together. Click here for scenes from today.
Today was a full day of meetings after our regional superior arrived in the morning from Hong Kong. The agenda was interesting and the day went quickly. Click here for some scenes from today.
Every year the Maryknoll Society has a meeting of its members from Asia South, a grouping of countries which have only a small number of priests and brothers in each. Click here to see the trip from Cambodia to the meeting place in Bangkok.
I confused myself and forgot to put up this last post about the last day in Kentucky and the return trip to Phnom Penh. Click here to learn more.
Yesterday I was mostly at my sister’s house doing some work. Today I was mostly on the road all day. Click here to see some of stops I made.
Today the main focus was on a gathering of the Charles-and-Martha Dittmeier children–and their children and grandchildren—for an easy-going pleasant Sunday afternoon together. Click here for some scenes from the day.
The MKLM board met for a half day and then at noon I headed for JFK airport and the flight to Louisville, Kentucky to visit my family. Click here for scenes from the day.