Maryknoll in Hua Hin — #2

Today was the first day of the retreat with Sr. Kathleen Duffy who is speaking on Teilhard de Chardin and Mysticism.

The day started with technical difficulties in using PowerPoint with a video and the center’s IT man came to help.
The morning prayer was led by Sr. Kathleen also and was held in the meeting room. Sr. Rosalva carried a candle as part of the prayer.
Then Sr. Kathleen was able to start her presentation on the life of Teilhard de Chardin.
Several times during the morning Kathleen asked for discussion in small groups.
At break time, Bill McIntire cut a piece of panattone, the Italian Christmas bread.
During the break Bro. Tim Raible and new lay missioner Julie Lawler had a chance to meet.
Later at the liturgy Kylene Fremling from Cambodia welcomed Julie to the lay mission group in the Kingdom of Wonder.
A reflective moment in the evening prayer.