What would we do without plastic bags? (Probably we’d have a much cleaner environment!)
Category: Environment
Be prepared
You can buy almost anything on the street in Phnom Penh. The rainy season has started now and this entrepreneur has switched his stock to rain wear to make sure everyone can stay dry in the daily rains.
It’s the rainy season
The rainy season starts in late May or early June. It seems to be starting a little later each year now. But it’s in full force already this year.
This is Street 53BT where I live in Phnom Penh. We occasionally get some water pooled up but today we had a prolonged heavy downpour and this water will be with us for a day or so. It was deep enough that my pedals were going in the water as I rode my bicycle through the flood.
Climate Change Workshop 3
Today the task was to pull together all the elements and ideas raised during the first two days to put develop a strategy for CACD’s addressing climate change.
Each of the four small groups sought to organize a plan according to what they have done and what they want to do.
The coffee breaks and lunch were held outside today.
Another small group at work.
Caritas Climate Workshop 2
Today was Day 2 of the climate change strategy workshop. We had video presentations from speakers in Australia and India, and then the small groups went to work again.
This is the small group on climate and health giving a report on their group discussions and ideas.
Climate Change Workshop 1
CACD, the Catholic Alliance for Charity and Development, is holding a three-day workshop on its response to climate change here in Cambodia. Today was the first day.
About 40 representatives from Catholic NGOs and agencies are participating in the workshop at the Caritas Cambodia national office.
The major presented is a local professor who is excellent. He speaks well, knows his material, and presents it in a really engaging way.
At the end of the day the group divided into four topic discussion groups. This one focused on engaging young people in climate change learning and activity.
First rain
This is Street 53BT in Boeung Tum Pun where I live and this is the flood I stepped out of my house into when we got the first rain of the season a few days ago. April and May are the two hottest months in Cambodia and they were REALLY hot this year. This overnight rain helped to bring the temperature under 100ºF.
It’s hot!
The past week the daily temperature has been 100º to 104º every day, with the temps going down to 86º at night. And we don’t have air conditioning….
Earth Day
Some notes about our Earth (from the Morning Brew website):
- Earth happens to be located in a remote corner of the Milky Way, a location that presents fewer threats, like a huge star devouring us with its gravity. The star we do have nearby, the sun, is stable and the perfect distance away to sustain liquid water (important!).
- When the sun does send deadly flares our way, they’re not calamitous because the Earth’s core produces a magnetic field that deflects radiation.
Caritas Cambodia Retreat 2024 / Day 4a
Today was a get-to-know-your-country day for the Caritas Cambodia staff. Most of the day was spent visiting several interesting sites around Sihanoukville.