Another Farewell from DDP

Last week two young men with multiple disabilities left the hostel at DDP for a new home with another NGO which we hope will be better suited to care for them. I hated to see them go because they have been moved around before but this new situation should be better for them.


Last Friday was Russ Brine’s last day at the Deaf Development Programme and we had a little Covid-conscious farewell for him. Russ was our finance manager and worked mostly with Neang Thary, our accountant. Here she offers him a goodbye gift.

Hybrid Presentation

We haven’t had a group activity at the Deaf Development Programme since March, 2021 when we celebrated Women’s Day. Three days after that, community transmission of Covid-19 began and all gatherings were banned. Now as the number of active cases has started to drop here and as the vaccination of Phnom Penh was completed, the government said we can have meetings of up to fifteen people if all the precautions are taken. Today we had a workshop on women in crisis. It was online but so many deaf people do not have access to wi-fi that we had eleven of them come to the office and an interpreter (in front of the green board) signed the presentations being made online.

What NOT to say….

DEAF is a four-letter word but not THAT KIND of four-letter word! It’s perfectly acceptable and certainly preferred by deaf people. Don’t use the terms on this poster and other terms such as “audially challenged” and “deaf and dumb.” Hearing people jump through all sorts of hoops trying to avoid the word “deaf” but it is the scientifically correct and most acceptable term used by deaf people.

No more mud

This is the boys’ hostel at DDP House. Before there was broken pavement, poor drainage, and mud in the yard area. Now there’s new layer of cement.

Lower the ceiling?

On an inspection visit of our hostel for deaf students, a team from the Ministry of Social Affairs didn’t like that there was no ceiling above the dorm rooms but rather open space up to the metal roof twenty feet above. From my understanding, that design allows the hot air to rise well above the living area and also keeps the hot roof above the humans. They wanted a suspended ceiling, though, so now they are getting one. It will be interesting to learn from the students, when they return, if the rooms are now hotter or cooler.


I was rather surprised today to see a collage of photos of priests who are deaf and who work with the Catholic deaf community–and to find my picture in the latter category. I’m not sure who created this.


A really popular corner of our DDP compound is this volleyball court. In normal times, it gets a lot of use and the grass is worn away.
But the times are not normal now and with all our students at home in the provinces, the court is growing a new cover of grass.

At long last…

Today Sau Soknym was finally able to pick up the new three-year MOU for DDP with the Ministry of Social Affairs. Those things take an incredibly long time, so long this time that the minister questioned his staff about it.