Today it was time to travel back to our mission countries. I got up at 3:40 AM to catch an early flight back to Phnom Penh. Click here for a few final scenes from Bangkok.
Author: Charles Dittmeier
Bangkok Trip: Day 3
We managed to fit the rest of our agenda into an extended morning session, so after finishing our business, I made an unplanned trip to look for some computer-related supplies before coming back for supper and preparing for the return to Cambodia tomorrow. Click here to see the day’s happenings.
Bangkok Trip: Day 2
Today the ten of us from six countries got down to work at this meeting of Maryknoll’s South Asia grouping. We had a full day of good discussions. Click here to see some of the action.
Bangkok Trip: Day 1
Every year Maryknoll priests and brothers in South Asia get together. The March, 2017 meeting is in Bangkok, Thailand. Click here for pictures of what was a travel day for those attending the meeting. [This photo is a motorcycle wagon full of furniture, pulled up the sidewalk in early morning Phnom Penh, hoping for some sales.]
Topics: Wood #13
Cambodia’s luxury woods end up not only in more common (although unwieldy) furniture such as tables and chairs, but even the odd-shaped stumps and remnants of tree trunks have great value as they are fashioned into all sorts of art objects. Click here to see some and then scroll down to #11. (I think this is enough about wood for a while so I’ll move on to other topics.)
Topics: Wood #12
Some of the heavy, culturally-important wooden furniture is sold in shops. A great deal is also sold on the streets of the big cities. Probably produced in rural workshops, it is brought to the city for sale. Click here to see some of the wares on the street, and then scroll down to #9.
Motorcycle Loads #224

Bishop Olivier’s Visit to Maryknoll

At least once a year, Bishop Olivier comes to the Maryknoll office for one of our Wednesday meetings, a liturgy, and then dinner together. It’s just an informal time to talk and catch up with what we are all doing and for us especially to hear more about the workings of the diocese here.
Life at the Top
Well, now I know what it’s like to be at the pinnacle of power! Today I parked my bicycle (the first one in the row above) down near the farther window because that is where the other bicycles were. But when I came out, the guard had moved my bike up to the head of the line, basically creating an executive parking space. I have to be careful not to let the power and prestige go to my head….
A New Season
Pineapples are starting to appear on the streets now! Another season has begun–one of my favorites. IMHO, there’s not anything better tasting than fresh pineapple!