The Easter Vigil service Saturday evening at the World Vision auditorium.
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The Easter Vigil service Saturday evening at the World Vision auditorium.
If we have to go through standardized testing so should gun owners. |
Celebrations on Good Friday at the Deaf Development Programme and at St. Joseph Church.
Moms demand action for gun sense in America |
Holy Week services take a lot of time, preparation, and practice, and all of that was in short supply for our Holy Thursday service. I was on the phone all day to three countries working with refugees and didn’t have time to organize things like a photographer for this evening’s service.
Your thoughts and prayers aren’t working. |
For I was hungry and you cut my food stamps. I was a stranger and you deported me. I was sick and you denied me healthcare. I was a child afraid to go to school and you voted with the NRA. |
The Palm Sunday services at World Vision and at St. Joseph Church.
Our children are dying! Trump is golfing! |