An obvious part of daily life in Cambodia are the orange plastic coolers used throughout the country to keep things cool where there is no electricity and refrigeration. Click here to see the first part of series about Cambodia’s coolers!
Motorcycle Loads #237
How many containers to you think he ended up with on his motorcycle?
Notable Quotes
Pchum Ben 2017 #5
Last Sunday, before the Pchum Ben holiday began, these people were waiting under the Japanese bridge for vans and trucks to take them to their home provinces. Today is the last day of the official holiday. Do you think all these people will be back at work tomorrow, Friday? Nooooooo….not by a long shot. This year Pchum Ben had the makings of a perfect holiday, with the official celebration on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday. Well….NO ONE could expect someone to work on Monday before the holiday, could they? And certainly not on Friday after the holiday. So everyone was off Saturday and Sunday before the holidays, the full work week of the holidays, and the Saturday and Sunday after the holidays–nine days off work for a three-day holiday! Not bad, huh?
Pchum Ben 2017 #4
Last Sunday it was double parking, lots of vendors, and hundreds of people crowding the big wats in Phnom Penh in anticipation of the Pchum Ben rituals.
Now, in the middle of the three-day holiday for Pchum Ben, the wats in Phnom Penh are devoid of people. The locals are, for these days, in their homes and in the wats in the provinces where they grew up. Phnom Penh is largely deserted.
Pchum Ben 2017 #3
Today is the first of the three days of the official Pchum Ben holiday. Most people have already left town, but there are always some whose departure is delayed by their jobs or other circumstances. This morning here were some of the late-departers cramming themselves and their belongings into an overcrowded van for a trip that can’t be too enjoyable but is just part of life for the majority of the populace who depend on this kind of transport.
Pchum Ben 2017 #2
Tomorrow is the first day of the three-day public celebration of the Pchum Ben Festival honoring deceased relatives, but prayers and various activities started a week and a half ago. This past Sunday many Cambodian people took the opportunity to visit a wat to make offerings and say prayers for their family who have gone before them in death.
Topics: Morning Rituals 3
Every morning Phnom Penh gets ready for a new day of business. Here is how a street selling medical supplies is transformed each day. Click here to see the change.
Cambodian Government:Corrupt, Incompetent 9
This is No. 9 of the nine examples of incompetence and corruption that appeared in the headlines of The Cambodia Daily in just two days. People trying to preserve their houses and lands in the face of sand-dredging are visited by government thugs.
Motorcycle Loads #236
Here’s another all-girls overload, just a day after the first one!