Water Festival Preparations

Every year the Water Festival takes place at the full moon in November.  Approximately two million people come from the provinces to Phnom Penh to race and watch their local boats in the three days of boat races.  The festival starts on Thursday but today, Sunday, many people were out preparing for the celebration to come.  Click here to see the scenes along the Tonle Sap River.

What do priests do?

A not-uncommon question to priests is “What do you do all day?”  So many people see us only on Sunday when they come to mass and don’t have any idea about how we otherwise spend our time.  Well, here’s what I did yesterday:

One of our parishioners opened the first Auntie Anne’s pretzel shop in Cambodia and asked me to offering a blessing during the grand opening–which I did.  Then I got my picture taken with….is it “Mr. Pretzel”?

US Trip: Days 10-12

Every October the Board of Directors of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners meets at MKLM headquarters in Ossining, New York.  Here is an account of the trip to New York and meetings and then on to Louisville for a visit with the family.

US Trip: Day 8-9

Every October the Board of Directors of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners meets at MKLM headquarters in Ossining, New York.  Here is an account of the trip to New York and meetings and then on to Louisville for a visit with the family.

US Trip: Day 7

Every October the Board of Directors of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners meets at MKLM headquarters in Ossining, New York.  Here is an account of the trip to New York and meetings and then on to Louisville for a visit with the family.

US Trip: Day 6

Every October the Board of Directors of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners meets at MKLM headquarters in Ossining, New York.  Here is an account of the trip to New York and meetings and then on to Louisville for a visit with the family.

US Trip: Day 5

Every October the Board of Directors of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners meets at MKLM headquarters in Ossining, New York.  Here is an account of the trip to New York and meetings and then on to Louisville for a visit with the family.

Back Again!

Apologies for the long absence!  I arrived back in Phnom Penh Friday morning after a rough trip.  In all the airports I was in (eight of them) I could connect to their free wi-fi but could only get an Internet connection in three of them and two of those were at the beginning and end of the trips.

Then in the US I was hampered both by the unavailability of both time and wi-fi connections.  I have not ever before been so unconnected to the Internet and out of touch.

But now I’m in Phnom Penh and back on a regular schedule so postings should be daily now–unless a glitch reoccurs that for two hours this evening–kept me from being able to log in to the website that hosts this webpage.  We’ll see!