Kampong Cham Graduation

On Monday this week we went to Kampot Province for the graduation of our DDP students there.  On Wednesday we attended a similar graduation in Kampong Cham Province.

Kampong Cham students playing a game before the ceremony started.
Inside, other students were practicing the national anthem in sign language for the opening of the ceremony.
Students taking photos with proud parents.
A group photo of all the graduating Kampong Cham students.
Finally a photo of the graduates with their parents and with the incoming new students.

Kampot Graduation

Today we had a graduation ceremony for the students who finished our two-year non-formal education program in Kampot Province.  Quite a few staff from the DDP office in Phnom Penh were there for the occasion.

One of the deaf students receiving her certificate from Charlie Dittmeier.
An official from the Provincial Ministry of Education gave a talk.
A picture of all the students and their teachers.
After the ceremony, we went to our hostel, DDP House, for lunch together.

Sunday at DCC


One of the worst aspects of deafness is isolation, not being part of all that is going on around you, even in your own family.  That creates great interest among deaf people for getting together whenever they can.  The Maryknoll Deaf Development Programme has a Deaf Community Center (DCC) in Phnom Penh and in Kampot and Kampong Cham Provinces and they are open on Saturday and Sunday for deaf people to drop in and play games or participate in various activities.  This group is playing dominoes.



Inside the center this group is playing Uno.

Certificate Ceremony

Vannarith at First StepVarrarith at First Step

Tay Vannarith (middle) is the social worker at the Maryknoll Deaf Development Programme.  Since March he has been participating in a training program about the sexual abuse of boys.  Here he receives a certificate in a ceremony marking the end of the ten months of training.

DDP Annual Staff Meeting–Day 4

ret-25-10smI had to miss most of Day 4 with the group because I had to return early in the morning to Phnom Penh to be home for a special occasion this evening.  I was only able to get a few photos before I left in the morning and will depend on some other staff to supplement those with pictures they took during the day while I was in the van coming home. Here are my pictures from the morning before our departure and the others will come as soon as I get them.  Click here and then click on Friday for the first batch.

DDP Annual Staff Meeting–Day 3

Keat Sokly and Tay VannarithToday was the last full day of the annual staff meeting and it was definitely a full day.  In the morning we talked about what it means to be a deaf-centered organization and how to achieve that, and then in the afternoon we talked about personal goals and a goal for DDP. Click here to see the photos and text I could not add last night.