Women’s Day

DDP celebrated International Women’s Day on Sunday rather than on Wednesday of this week in order to make it more accessible to more of the deaf community.  The Catholic Church Student Center allowed us to set up our tents in their spacious yard.  Click here to see the activities.

Technology and Deaf People

Technology has really benefited the deaf community.  Twenty, thirty years ago, communications among deaf people was either face-to-face or via TTY or TDD machines attached to telephone landlines.  Now, with the advent of smartphones and cheaper data service availability, deaf people can communicate more readily, like this young deaf woman signing to her friend on a smartphone Facebook Messenger connection.

Mango Season

When the weather doesn’t change throughout the year and there are no sports seasons and the trees don’t shed leaves, one of the few indicators of time are the seasonal fruits.  And now it’s mango time!  Hooray!   IMHO, this is one of the best parts of Cambodia.  I was never really exposed to mangoes before I came to Asia but they have become a much-appreciated new part of my diet when they’re available.