Today was my last full day in the US, at least the last non-travel day. I spent a good part of it in Manhattan and then after supper went to bed early because I had to leave the Maryknoll house 1:45 AM. Click here to see some Manhattan sights.
Category: Maryknoll
Happenings in the Maryknoll world, especially in the Cambodia Mission Team.
USA Trip: 22 April
Today was more of an off day that I spent walking around mid-town Manhattan. Click here to see some of the scenes from the day.
USA Trip: 21 April
Today we finished up the board of directors meeting in the morning and then I had lunch with a priest friend. Then I packed up some school supplies and headed into Manhattan for the time before I leave. Click here for a few pictures from today.
USA Trip: 20 April
Today was the full day of board meetings with a half day to follow tomorrow. Click here to see our meetings and gatherings.
USA Trip: 19 April
Today was a day for taking care of a few tasks and visiting old friends now retired at Maryknoll before dinner with the board members who arrived during the day. Click here for a few photos from the day.
USA Trip: 18 April
Today was the first full day at Maryknoll, a relatively easy day while I waited for the other board members to arrive. Click here for a few pictures from the day.
USA Trip:16 April
This trip was different in that it was only two flights from Phnom Penh to New York City. I left Phnom Penh late on a Monday night and got to Tokyo early Tuesday. Click here for the first part of this nine-day journey.
On the Road…
In two hours I will head for the airport and Maryknoll, New York for a Maryknoll Lay Missioners board meeting later in the week. I will be in transit for about 38 hours so there probably won’t be an update until I get to Maryknoll in the early evening of Tuesday.
The Gospel of Jesus: Archbishop Romero
Still Aachh…..
I’m still having lots of trouble getting connected to the Internet at the Bangkok Christian Guest House. It’s a nice facility with lots of positive features but Internet access isn’t one of them. I’ll be back in Phnom Penh tomorrow evening but until then here is a picture from the sidewalk-food-stall scene along many of the major footpaths in the city.