This weekend I preached about Cambodia and deaf work and Caritas Australia in two parishes and spent the rest of the time at the Jesuit Center where I was able to get some work done. Click here to see some pictures from the weekend.
Category: Deaf
People and activities in the Cambodian deaf world
Trip to Australia: Friday
Today was spent in presentations to secondary school students in three schools. I also made a transition from the Parramatta Diocese to the Broken Bay Diocese. Click here to follow our travels.
Trip to Australia: Thursday
Today I spoke at two schools and visited Salesian programs and some diocesan offices. Click here to see where we went.
Trip to Australia: Ash Wednesday (2)
I wanted to show pictures from the Cathedral’s Ash Wednesday service and the launch of Project Compassion 2018, but the ISP is blocking access to the photos’ site for security reasons. You may have to click here for the two photos I do have although you may be able to click through to the website by clicking here.
Trip to Australia: Ash Wednesday (1)
Today was a combination of Ash Wednesday liturgies in the morning and evening with presentations at two schools in between. Click here for the first half of the day.
Trip to Australia: Tuesday (1)
I usually work a day behind in updating this website. Wednesday turned out to be a REALLY busy day with two Ash Wednesday liturgies and talks in schools. By the time I got back to the place where I was staying, there wasn’t time to update yesterday so look at post Tuesday (2) below.
Trip to Australia: Monday
We spent today at the Caritas Australia office building in Sydney, meeting staff who work with our projects, and acquiring helpful information and resources for our presentations in various dioceses of Australia. Click here for a day in the office.
Trip to Australia: Saturday
Trying to update this website was another struggle today. The wi-fi at The Centre leaves much to be desired but my little netbook computer also seems to have so problems. But click here to see what happened on Saturday, the day I arrived in Sydney.
Trip to Australia: Friday
Charlie is on a trip to Australia to work with Caritas Australia, a DDP donor. The trip started off OK; the reporting about it in these pages has been a disaster. The center where I am staying has terrible wi-fi connections and finally Saturday night I had to just give up and go to bed after I could not upload these pages with 1.5 hours of trying. Click here to finally see what the first day of the trip was like.
Getting Ready for a Trip
These are some of young deaf men participating in our DDP job training to become barbers. This morning I dropped in for a quick trim of my beard as I prepare to head to Australia to speak to donors about Caritas Australia who gives money to the Deaf Development Programme. That’s the name on the shirts of the guys on the left and on the right. I leave in about an hour and will return to Phnom Penh on 2 March.