Return from Hong Kong

In the harbor on Cheung Chau Island

I just returned from Hong Kong a couple hours ago (it’s 10:44 PM Tuesday night here) and there isn’t time to continue the updates today.  I’ll post Saturday afternoon’s photos on Wednesday morning our time.

The picture above is from the fishing fleet tied up in the Cheung Chau harbor.


US Trip: Days 10-12

Every October the Board of Directors of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners meets at MKLM headquarters in Ossining, New York.  Here is an account of the trip to New York and meetings and then on to Louisville for a visit with the family.

US Trip: Day 8-9

Every October the Board of Directors of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners meets at MKLM headquarters in Ossining, New York.  Here is an account of the trip to New York and meetings and then on to Louisville for a visit with the family.

US Trip: Day 7

Every October the Board of Directors of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners meets at MKLM headquarters in Ossining, New York.  Here is an account of the trip to New York and meetings and then on to Louisville for a visit with the family.

US Trip: Day 6

Every October the Board of Directors of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners meets at MKLM headquarters in Ossining, New York.  Here is an account of the trip to New York and meetings and then on to Louisville for a visit with the family.