A jump in the wrong direction….

Cambodia seemed to be blessed. It took a year to reach about 350 COVID-19 infections in the kingdom–and no deaths. Then on 20 February four Cambodians bribed guards and sneaked away from quarantine and started a surge of infections. In just five or six days 200 new infections were discovered and the numbers keep increasing.

Because of that all schools in Phnom Penh and Kandal Province have been closed and the prime minister has asked people not to come to the capital city.

Dreaming…but not too high

This young woman is fulfilling a dream that I have encountered in many young mothers like her–to have a little business, in this case a drinks shop, to contribute their share in supporting the family but being able to be with and care for their children throughout the day in the shop that is the front part of their home.

Dog Bites

Two weeks ago, I was visiting a Chinese family celebrating the Lunar New Year and while I was taking their picture, their four little dogs like this one went crazy and three of them bit me. It all happened in 10 to 15 seconds.

The family assured me the dogs had their shots but when I got the papers, they just said the dogs were “registered” and mentioned nothing about being vaccinated. I went to a hospital where I knew they would speak English and the doctor left no doubt that I would need five rabies shots and a tetanus booster. I’ve had three of the five rabies shots so far.

In the hospital I was aware of only the two bites shown in the picture farther up but when I got home I found a third one, higher up on my thigh. You can see the bandage under the bottom of my short pants while I was burning palms for Ash Wednesday.

The whole episode was more an inconvenience than a big problem. And an unnecessary expense–$245–although that is probably much cheaper than the six shots and wound treatment would have cost in the United States.

It’s relative…

The BBC this morning said that 73% of the United States was under snow and there were stories of the many electrical outages because of the bitterly cold weather. When so many people are suffering so much, I almost hesitate to post the weather headline here (above). The photo caption warns that some provinces could see temperatures go as low as 61ºF to 64.5ºF.