Running Scared: Cambodia’s Government

Two major election-monitoring organizations have just announced that they will not monitor the upcoming national elections in July.  They monitored the elections for commune (groups of villages) officials last year and were condemned by the prime minister with accusations of being “rebels”or of fomenting “color revolutions.” Color revolutions are the government’s buzzword for anyone who has the audacity to be in opposition to the government.  It’s similar to Trump’s use of “fake news.” If you’re opposed to the ruling party in the US, it’s fake news; in Cambodia, you’re part of a color revolution.  Now the election volunteers fear government reprisals, a well-founded fear as radio stations are closed and people reporting on politics are imprisoned.

The King’s Birthday

King Sihomani gets a three-day holiday for is birthday.  It seems a bit much but Cambodia is known for its excessive number of public holidays (24 vs 11 in the United States).  Today is the second day of this holiday with one more to go, and then it’s back to work on Wednesday.