You’ve seen pictures of the way the heavy furniture, especially the stools, is found in commercial shops. Click here to see how the furniture appears in offices.
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You’ve seen pictures of the way the heavy furniture, especially the stools, is found in commercial shops. Click here to see how the furniture appears in offices.
Here are more samples of the variety of places where the heavy wooden furniture can be found. It’s just hard to imagine how it is everywhere. Click here for the photos.
“Hold on up there! I’m gonna do a wheelie!”
Technology has really benefited the deaf community. Twenty, thirty years ago, communications among deaf people was either face-to-face or via TTY or TDD machines attached to telephone landlines. Now, with the advent of smartphones and cheaper data service availability, deaf people can communicate more readily, like this young deaf woman signing to her friend on a smartphone Facebook Messenger connection.
Here is the second set of photographs of commercial places that display the heavy wooden furniture that is so valued by the community. Click here to see the pictures.
This is the first of three posts about heavy furniture–especially the universal wooden stools–found in a wide variety of shops in Cambodia. Everybody wants it! Click here.
When the weather doesn’t change throughout the year and there are no sports seasons and the trees don’t shed leaves, one of the few indicators of time are the seasonal fruits. And now it’s mango time! Hooray! IMHO, this is one of the best parts of Cambodia. I was never really exposed to mangoes before I came to Asia but they have become a much-appreciated new part of my diet when they’re available.
“You can read the Bible literally or you can take it seriously, but you can’t do both.”~ Bill Tammeus, Columnist in the National Catholic Reporter |
Another distinctive feature of Cambodian wooden furniture is the large wooden vase-shaped object, a purely decorative adjunct to any home or business setting. They are all sizes but the really large and massive ones are the ones that catch your attention as you walk into a business or someone’s house. Click here to see more of them.
Jim McLaughlin, former Maryknoll Lay Missioner in Cambodia and a frequent visitor here as he continues his microbiology work in the kingdom, spotted this suspicious vehicle on Phnom Penh streets. What kind of nefarious V Ice is going on in the back of this truck? It must be hot stuff since it’s a refrigerated truck but there could be many different kinds of mobile v ice.