On Monday I said goodbye to staff at the Walsh Building at Maryknoll Lay Missioners and then went into Manhattan where I left Tuesday morning for Chicago, Hong Kong, Bangkok, and Phnom Penh where I landed this morning. My computer is not cooperating, though, so I am going to have to finish this tomorrow.
Category: Uncategorized
April USA Trip–Sunday

I left Phnom Penh this evening for a trip to Bangkok and Shanghai on the way to New York City. Click here to see the beginning of this travel for a board meeting of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners.
I’m Back!
Some of you may have wondered what happened to my website…. Back in mid July, because I was getting some phony renewal notices for my website’s OLD domain name (http://parish-without-borders.net), I failed to renew on time. I caught the error immediately and e-mailed and called Network Solutions to renew it, but because of several factors–mostly Network Solution’s mistakes–I ended up losing my domain name. They kept telling me to wait, and while I waited they sold my domain name to one of the Internet vultures who buys such things hoping that the original owner will want it back bad enough to pay a high price for it.
I didn’t want to do that so I ended up getting a new domain name: http://parish-without-borders.ORG. Before the domain extension was .net. Now it is .org. Please use only this URL in the future: http://parish-without-borders.ORG. And now you don’t need to add the “/cditt” at the end.
I am also experimenting with using a WordPress landing page for the website and that is what you see here. I may not keep it, but it was a relatively easy way to get back online more quickly.
So….here I am. And I hope you will come back also as I start making some changes!
All Is Not Lost!
One of my worries when I lost the domain name was that I would lose all the files and content I have accumulated on my website since I set it up sixteen years ago.
Fortunately, working with the good people at EsoSoft, the company which hosts the website, I was able to retain everything that was there before. I need to work out a navigation structure, but for now you can see all the previous pages of my website by clicking here. This will show you the old website when Network Solutions turned off the lights back in July, 2016.