While the Asia Area Director, Steve Veryser, is in Cambodia, the Maryknoll Lay Missioners here are having a short retreat experience in Siem Reap where Angkor Wat is located. Today was a travel day.
A pleasant initial surprise was how well organized and clean the Larryta bus service is! Their terminal is really well planned and their staff very helpful. Here a manager in a tie assists an elderly woman to a seat in the waiting area.
There were two stops in the six-hour ride to Siem Reap. At this first site, Cambodia’s obsession with heavy, immovable, impractical tables and stools made of luxury wood was obvious, but the restaurant was most pleasant and friendly.
Another characteristic of Cambodian travel spots are the men’s urinals open to public view.
At the second stop, two hours beyond the first, it was again spacious and clean and very well organized.
Another feature of every stopping place on the trip is the ubiquitous spirit shrine, this one quite large.
Julie Lawler and I traveled together in the van above. Here at the Larryta terminal in Siem Reap, Julie negotiates with tuk-tuk drivers for a ride to the Jesuit reflection center.
Finally we arrived at the Metta Karuna Center. It is a delightful and most accommodating center for retreats and reflection groups with spacious grounds filled with all sorts of meaningful layouts and statues and thought-provoking arrangements. Here is a statue of Jesus washing the disciples’ feet.
Beth Goldring is a Buddhist nun who is leading our reflection, working from her Buddhist studies and experience to help us develop a theme of nonviolence.
Asia Area Director Steve Veryser had his hair cut at the DDP barber training shop today as part of his visit to the deaf program and to the Maryknoll Lay Missioners group here.
Today Stever Veryser joined the Cambodia Mission Team for their weekly meeting and liturgy and meal together. Afterwards he and Julie Lawler planned his visit to the Deaf Development Programme tomorrow.
There are four members of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners in Cambodia, and in an odd turn of events, the Asia Area Director is Steve Veryser–who lives in Kenya. Today Steve arrived in Cambodia for an official visit.
Kylene Fremling (L) and Julie Lawler greeting Steve Veryser at the Phnom Penh airport.
The Maryknoll Sisters seems to be on four or five acres of land, and with an environmental focus, the sisters are shifting away from grass and lawns that need to be watered, changing to cactus and other succulents that need much less water.
On my way back to Cambodia, I have stopped at the Maryknoll Sisters retirement home in Monrovia, California. Sr. Arlene Trant and I worked together with the deaf people of Macau and now she is administrator of this home. She has been inviting me to visit so I made this my first stop on the return journey.
The center is set in the foothills of the San Gabriel Mountains on the eastern edge of Los Angeles, 45 miles from the sea.
Originally this was a TB hospital but the Maryknoll Sisters purchased it in 1920.
This is a view of the front of the facility from the side of the property. All the sidewalks are accessible for sisters using walkers.
This is a view of the other side of the main building. I stayed in an apartment on the basement level. My windows are by the second chair in the photo.
Most of the buildings are connected by sheltered sidewalks, more to protect walkers from the sun than from the rain. The eastern side of LA, here at the base of the mountains, is considerably warmer than LA along the coast.
Afdter my sisters Martha and Mary picked me up at the airport, they started work in the kitchen to prepare for a BBQ dinner for all the brothers and sisters.
Meanwhile, Mary’s husband Mike was outside fixing his daughter’s bicycle she uses for commuting to work every day.
When the Reed family arrived from Ohio, Mary showed them her new garden and landscaping.
Finally everyone had arrived and it was time to eat.
After dinner the self-proclaimed Council of Elders gathered to resolve world problems.
Today was a loose day with three really important elements: visiting Fr. Tom Dunleavy, a lunch meeting with Ted Miles, and dinner at the NYC office of Maryknoll with Br. Tim Riable.
Another of the fabulous staff of Maryknoll Lay Missioners is Marci Winston, our long-time administrative assistant.
A view of the Rogers Building on the campus of the Maryknoll Sisters.
A wooden statue of Mary in the entrance way of the Sisters’ chapel.
Another shot in the main course of Grand Central Terminal, a really beautiful building.
Today was a day for visiting people around the larger Maryknoll campus, on the grounds of the priests and brothers, then the sisters, and then the lay missioners.
Sr. Luise Ahrens was in Cambodia for many years and is now in service at the Sisters Center in Ossining. She is recovering from a broken arm.
A bird feeder on the grounds of the Sisters Center.
Ted Miles, executive director, and Lupe Garcia, administrative assistant, at the Walsh Building, the home of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners.
A view of the old seminary building, with the chapel wing on the left.
The main seminary building occupants have just endured two weeks of Covid restrictions after a surge of infections. Those restrictions were lifted three days ago but one returning Maryknoll priest tested positive and is isolated in his room.