DDP Annual Staff Meeting–Day 4

ret-25-10smI had to miss most of Day 4 with the group because I had to return early in the morning to Phnom Penh to be home for a special occasion this evening.  I was only able to get a few photos before I left in the morning and will depend on some other staff to supplement those with pictures they took during the day while I was in the van coming home. Here are my pictures from the morning before our departure and the others will come as soon as I get them.  Click here and then click on Friday for the first batch.

DDP Annual Staff Meeting–Day 3

Keat Sokly and Tay VannarithToday was the last full day of the annual staff meeting and it was definitely a full day.  In the morning we talked about what it means to be a deaf-centered organization and how to achieve that, and then in the afternoon we talked about personal goals and a goal for DDP. Click here to see the photos and text I could not add last night.