Leaving Cambodia

On 14 August, Kaitlynn Himmelreich finished up her two months of research with the deaf community here in Cambodia and got on the plane to return to her student life in the US where classes begin next Monday.  Kaitlynn adjusted well to life in Cambodia and was really able to integrate with and communicate with the deaf people wherever she them.  Here she is presenting to Charlie Dittmeier a thank-you card acknowledging the good experiences she had in Cambodia.

Hosanna Church Visit

DDP has become quite well known in the deaf world since 1997 and many deaf people–individuals and groups–come to see us.  This past week, Hosanna Church in Busan, Korea visited.  They are a deaf congregation and we had a good visit.

After listening to a presentation of the work of DDP and asking questions, the church group sang us a hymn in Korean Sign Language.
Then the Koreans gave gift bags to the staff and the trainees in our DDP barber shop. One Korean wanted to get a haircut but there wasn’t time!

Sign Language Training

Krousar Thmey and the Deaf Development Programme jointly sponsor a sign language committee tasked with researching and promoting Cambodian Sign Language. The committee was supposed to receive training six or seven years ago but it didn’t work out.

Now Aaron Wong, a deaf man from Hong Kong, and Keat Sokly, the co-director of DDP, are offering three weeks of training. Both are trained sign language linguists.The committee members are meeting at DDP and are off to a really good start.

Aaron explains some of the really basic linguistic concepts they will examine in these three weeks.
Heang Samath explains the concept as he understands it.