Charlie Dittmeier's Home Page
People and activities in the Cambodian deaf world
Today at DDP we said goodbye to two of our staff, our social worker (left) and one of our houseparents. It is difficult to see good staff move on. And it is difficult to replace them!
I find it interesting to see the different ways different cultures do things. Click here to see some cultural practices that would vary quite a bit from what one might find in a western hotel.
Today was the travel day back to Phnom Penh. It was another long trip, nine hours to do 180 miles, but that’s Cambodia. No one seemed to mind too much because it was the end of a really enjoyable trip. Click here for some photos from the return trip.
Post #3 was about the morning and afternoon activities at the second day of the staff meeting. This post is about our gathering in the evening for a final meal and giving of awards. Click here for photos from the restaurant.
Today was a sightseeing and fun day. In the morning we went to a waterfall and in the afternoon to a mangrove swamp. In the evening we had a final dinner together but that will be the next part. Click here to see photos from today.
Today was partly work and partly play. All of it was spent along the coastline, most on a beach on the Gulf of Thailand. Click here to see photos from the day’s activities.
Every year the Maryknoll Deaf Development Programme has a general staff meeting to bring all the staff together for two or three days. We work in different provinces and some of the staff do not get to know each other and see each other except at this annual meeting. This year we are meeting in Koh Kong in southern Cambodia, and because it is so far away, we allowed a day to travel, then two days of gatherings, and then a day to return. Click here to see pictures from this day, the travel day.
Today DDP had a little gathering to say goodbye to Bolika, our Deaf Community Center coordinator who is leaving the Deaf Development Programme after fourteen years. She started as a teacher in Kampong Chhnang Province and has kept adapting and using her skills in various positions. She is an extremely competent staff and we are going to miss her.