Most of the day was spent at the cathedral presbytery and at the Caritas Australia office and then in the evening we went to the Finneran residence for dinner. Click here to see today’s limited activities.
Author: Charles Dittmeier
Trip to Australia: Tuesday
Today I spoke at Holy Cross College where we had two really good sessions with their Grade 10 and an excellent discussion with a group of their faculty over lunch. Click here to see pictures from the day.
Trip to Australia: Monday
Today I was part of a Caritas Just Leadership Day in place of presentations in the Broome Diocese where flooding canceled our travel plans. Click here to see what the JLD entailed.
Trip to Australia: Sunday
This morning was occupied with three masses in two churches, and running back and forth between them. Then after lunch I packed up and went to the airport to return to Perth. Click here to see today’s events.
Trip to Australia: Saturday
Today was a pleasant day with some work and some sightseeing. Click here to see where we went.
Trip to Australia: Friday
Today was quite a busy day with travel to four different schools. Click here to see the schools and some other related material.
Trip to Australia: Thursday
Today was split between Perth and Geraldton in Western Australia. We visited two schools before I flew north to Geraldton to talk in schools and at weekend masses there. Click here to see what happened today.
Trip to Australia: Wednesday
Today we had a variety of different stops and covered a lot more area than usual. Click here for photos from the day.
Trip to Australia: Tuesday
Today we went outside of Perth to two schools. Click here for photos from the day.
Trip to Australia: Monday

Today was a travel day as I moved from the East Coast dioceses of Australia to Perth Archdiocese on the West Coast. Click here for a few photos from the day.