Exciting Day for the Deaf

After the students had eaten and it started to get dark, the musicians took the stage. There were three music groups who performed for 2+ hours.

First on stage was Musica Felice who presented songs from the musical Les Miserables.
During that first set, the deaf people–who could not hear or understand the vocals of Les Miserable–gathered together to talk and enjoy this different venue.
When Musica Felice had finished their performance Miwako came down to be with the students and a lot of selfies were taken.
Then Sea Wolf, a prominent rock group in Cambodia, took the stage and our students got energized by music they could feel even if they couldn’t hear it. Some of them jumped up on the stage to dance.
The third group to perform was Kai, from Thailand, and they were well received, too, and brought out the dancers. This was probably the first rock concert the deaf youth had ever attended and the setting was perfect for them to get an experience of exciting music.