In a land where there are no building codes–or if there are codes, they are ignored, it can’t be too surprising to find an umbrella seemingly affixed to the front of a building ten or twelve feet above ground. Did it blow up there and get stuck? Did someone secure it in that position? Is so, why? Who knows!
Moto Loads #286
As long as no part of your load is touching the ground, you’re good to go! But not everything that gets loaded on to a moto stays there. This man had his packages secured with packing tape but something gave way and he ended up in the intersection reloading his motorcycle.
Non-formal economy
Only 3.5% of Cambodian businesses are registered with the government. 88% of all workers are part of the non-formal economy. This picture shows what the non-formal economy looks like on a typical Phnom Penh street. The government tries to change that because non-formal workers are not protected by labor laws and do not contribute to social security systems.
On the ground….
The Cambodian government likes to talk about moving the kingdom from the least-developed country category to the moderately developed. They can point to all the high-rise buildings and expensive foreign cars and terrible traffic. But at street level, some things stay the same.
Here are three icons of the large majority of Cambodians who don’t live in high-rise condos:
• the young boy selling lotus pods to earn money for the family
• the roast geese for a special family celebration, and
• a moto food-delivery man.
End of Christmas Season
In the Catholic liturgical year, today–the feast of the baptism of Jesus–is the end of the Christmas season and tomorrow begins the first day of the cycle of Ordinary Time for the church.
Today is the last day this Christmas creche will be displayed. Note the carved wooden figures, about 18-inches high. They are made from extremely dense and hard luxury woods from Cambodia and each is worth$300 to $500. These luxury woods are a sign of achievement and success in Cambodian culture. If you can acquire these, you are successful in life.
A New Adventure
The Caritas Deaf Development Programme offers two years of really basic education and then a year of job training. New this year is the opportunity to learn baking and beauty skills with the Korean Mission Society (KOMISO). Today three of our students left the hostel at DDP to move to the KOMISO training center on the other side of town. They were a little anxious because this is the first time our deaf students have gone to live in a training center run by hearing people. It will be a learning experience for us all.
Eating on the cheap
I don’t like to cook and I don’t mind a lack of variety in my food. That combination leads me to food stalls like this one on a nearby street where they have five or six big pots with different dishes already cooked up. I lift the lids of each one, noting what is available, and then choose one, usually the less soupy kinds of offerings. I bring along a plastic box and ask them to give me enough for four people. In a second box I get cooked rice for four people. And that’s what I eat every night for the next week. That much food costs me 25,000 riel (US$6.25) and it’s a better deal than might be thought from considering the price because the amount they give me is more than for four meals. I bought food today and ended up dividing and freezing it into eight portions.
Progress…but it’s slow
This is Street 163, a major north-south thoroughfare running through the Tuol Tum Poung area. This is looking directly south. When I came, there was one building in the country above six floors and only five streets in Phnom Penh were paved. Most are paved now (not very well!) but notice there are no curbs and gutters. That will be a later evolutionary step in Phnom Penh’s transition from a semi-village to a 21st-century capital city.
30th Anniversary
30 years ago the parish community of the Church of the Child Jesus moved out of a residential house they were worshiping in and erected one of the first post-Khmer Rouge actual church buildings. This past weekend their parish celebrated their anniversary.
In the early afternoon, Father François Hemelsdael and some of the parishioners greeted the first guests to arrive for the 4:00 PM anniversary mass.
Fr. Gianluca and Fr. Oh Chang were two of the priests who came for the celebration.
The parish had set up a wonderful display of information and old photos and it was a good gathering place for the visitors to meet.
Bishop Kike from Battambang was one of the guests.
The displays really were interesting and taught the younger members of the parish a lot about the early days of their community.
Opening of Jubilee Year
Involving the church youth
After the prayerful opening of the Jubilee Year, Bishop Olivier turned his attention to performances by youth of all ages.
First the older girls presented a classic Khmer dance.
Then younger girls performed another traditional dance with a simpler choreography.
Then about 25 boys, in two groups, presented a classical Khmer myth. All the dancers had really professional dance outfits and costumes.
Lastly, the really young children, some just toddlers, performed more contemporary Christmas music with simple dancing and gestures, and then each received a stuffed animal Christmas gift. Bishop Olivier always insures that cakes are a major part of the celebrations.
Following all the performances, all the representatives from all the parishes enjoyed a catered Chinese dinner in the outside dining area.