This week the Maryknoll Cambodia office will close and I had to find a new living space. That wasn’t too hard but then I was faced with the daunting task of packing up for the move. Luckily, two Christmas elves in the neighborhood appeared and did a fantastic job of getting (cramming?) all my stuff into boxes, bags, and suitcases. Thanks, Maria and Kila!
Category: Maryknoll
Happenings in the Maryknoll world, especially in the Cambodia Mission Team.
Farewell to Ann
Maryknoll Sr. Ann Sherman returned to the United States today after ten years of ministry in Cambodia. She regularly attends the masses I have with the Missionaries of Charity and today at the end of mass we said goodbye and took a group photo–with some of the orphans who come to the mass.
Final Meeting
Since 1991 when Maryknoll first came to work in Cambodia, all the Maryknollers in the kingdom have met on Wednesday afternoons for a meeting, a liturgy, and then a dinner together. When I first came in 2000, there were 25 to 27 people gathered in the living room of the Maryknoll house every Wednesday.
Everything has changed now and Maryknoll Cambodia, the International NGO, will cease to exist in a couple weeks, and today we had our last Wednesday meeting forever. The Maryknoll priests and sisters just don’t have the personnel to send to Cambodia. The Maryknoll Lay Missioners will continue here with four members. A sad day.
Closing Time
Today Maryknoll Cambodia, the legal entity authorized by the Cambodia government so that Maryknoll can work in the kingdom, had a closing celebration. In December Maryknoll Cambodia as an NGO will cease to exist.
Early Thanksgiving
Reflecting on history
MKLM Retreat Days
Side Trip
In the national park is an actual school basically built of rubbish. The Coconut School is a popular destination for tourists to the area and probably gets some of its operating funds from the visitors.
MKLM Retreat Days
Our MKLM retreat went well and was a good experience. There were also a few other interesting things that were part of that trip to Kirirom National Park.
MKLM Retreat Days
The first part of this past week was spent at Kirirom National Park where the four of us members of Maryknoll Lay Missioners gathered for an annual retreat.
Kirirom Retreat / Sunday
Every year each MKLM group plans a retreat for its members. This year MKLM Cambodia arranged a retreat at a center at Kirirom National Park, a beautiful setting with hills (unusual in Cambodia) and trees.