Staying in Touch

Cambodia has the same problem as the rest of the world with distracted drivers, but the difference here is that people don’t realize (1) that it is illegal–just recently; and (2) that it is dangerous. They do everything dangerously–according to western standards–and driving while using a phone would never occur to them to be a problem.

Good News, Bad News

Fr. Kevin, who lives with me at the Maryknoll office, likes to watch the news, especially CNN, to keep up-to-date about the coronavirus.

The bad news: the TV remote control stopped working while he was watching CNN and he had to unplug the TV to turn it off.

The good news: the TV was tuned to CNN and not the Cartoon Channel when the problem developed!

Who’s watching the feet?

I have never seen any mention of such accidents or heard of it happening to anyone, but I often wonder how many Cambodian children are injured each year when they inadvertently stick a foot in the spokes of a motorcycle wheel. I’m sure there must be a good number who lose their toes or their whole foot since kids are kids and there are no guards or barriers on motorcycles.

Just the skeleton…

This is a typical house in a Cambodian city, what is called a shophouse. It’s one room wide and this one has four floors. The lot it is on would be about 15 feet by 50 feet. In many countries the ideal house is on a good-sized piece of land away from the city center. Just the opposite in Phnom Penh. A house like this one will do just fine, thank you, the fulfillment of a dream.

Flat Tire

On the way back from a 6:15 AM mass across town, the motorcycle taxi I was riding had a flat tire. We were right in front of this “gas station” so my driver asked the guy to fix the flat but he said he was too busy doing whatever he’s doing above.
He did fill the flat rear tire with air to see if the leak could be located, but that didn’t help and my driver went down the street and found another motorcycle taxi to take me the rest of the way home while he searched for a place to repair the tire.