Catching up

The Pchum Ben holidays are officially over now and society is starting to catch up–slowly. Yesterday, a Friday, was technically a post-holiday work day but probably 99% of the workers took leave to round off a full-week of holidays. One group of workers who had to come back are the garbage crews. As you can see above, there are piles of rubbish along each block of each street because the sanitation workers took off like everyone else.

With all the shops closed for the holidays, you might think there would be little garbage to pick up, but remember Phnom Penhers live in shophouses–buildings one room wide and three or four stories tall–where the first floor is a shop and the rest living quarters. The people are still living there even if the shop is closed so there’s still trash.

One of the areas where Cambodia and Phnom Penh have not caught up with the developed world is trash management. Can you imagine a capital city with no rules or regulations about setting out trash for collection. Everyone just makes a pile on the curb.


We’re in the rainy season now and getting fairly heavy rains every day. Yesterday this was thinking ahead and brought his rain poncho. But he used it to cover the beer he was carrying and keep it dry rather than keep himself dry.

But people still need to eat…

It’s a Monday morning. It’s the Monday before a three-day Pchum Ben holiday so most people are taking Monday–and Friday–off also. And it’s raining. But this woman figures there are still some people going to work today and they will want to eat so she’s out in front of a closed school selling some box meals to take with you.

Not being transparent and open

For the past week the number of new Covid-19 infections each day in Cambodia was more than 800. Three days ago it was closer to 1,000. Then suddenly the graph dropped sharply to below 200. The pandemic situation has not improved but rather the newspaper is talking about the government reducing the testing being done. That gives lower numbers but the situation is still just as bad. The government has also stopped giving numbers of infections in the individual provinces so it is very difficult now to know what is actually happening and where.

Remote Doctoring

A few days ago I needed to consult with a dermatologist about a lesion I could feel in my hair on the back of my head. When I arrived at the doctor’s office, I found that he had a microphone and speaker attached to the outside of his glass door so that he could speak with the patients without their coming inside the office. Here a mother with a child speaks to the doctor who is not really visible through the Christmas decorations still on his glass door from nine months ago. I was allowed to come into the office but only into the waiting room where he checked my head. He was being super cautious about Covid-19.