Street Food

A seasonal favorite among the foods sold on the street is corn on the cob. It is sold either roasted or boiled and is usually offered from vendors pushing bicycles with a large bag of boiled or roasted ears of corn. It’s quite good!

Pomelo is in season

One of my favorite fruits taste-wise is the pomelo. It’s quite a bit like a grapefruit but with a better taste. Eating a pomelo is not so pleasing, though. It has a huge soft rind around the fruit part and it takes some effort to get to what is edible. And the fruit part is not so readily edible as a grapefruit. There is a heavy protective skin around each section and it’s difficult to maneuver around that.

Power Cut at DDP

We have intensive Deaf Leadership Training going on at DDP but it was interrupted Friday by a power cut.

The leadership training couldn’t continue with their agenda that required a projector but Soknym, our director, met with the group outside.
The Year 1 and Year 2 classes also moved outdoors. The power was off about an hour.

Coronation Day

Tomorrow is a public holiday to celebrate the king’s coronation day and tonight there was a fireworks display to note the occasion. This is a view from the 33rd floor of an apartment building. The fireworks are launched from a barge on the Mekong River.