Welcome, Sami…

Sami Scott is a Maryknoll Lay Missioner who formerly worked in Venezuela and Cambodia and is now assigned to Haiti. Because of the unrest and violence there, she has had to leave Haiti and is now on a visit to Cambodia.

Sami (pink top) joined us for our regular Wednesday afternoon gathering for mass.

Then our group, coming from eight different countries, had a pizza dinner.


More engaging and certainly more colorful than my making macaroni and cheese on Sunday was our celebration of Pentecost with the combined Khmer, Vietnam, French, Korean, and English communities.

38 mostly young people received the sacrament of confirmation at the Pentecost mass. It is the tradition here for those being confirmed to wear red and white traditional dress.

Several adults from the Korean community received confirmation, and afterwards all the Koreans present gathered for a photo with Bishop Olivier.

Sr. Carmel, MC / Funeral

Sr. Carmel, a Missionary of Charity assigned to Siem Reap, died April 12, the day before the Khmer New Year. We just had her funeral today because there was no one in town to certify her death two weeks ago because they all left to spend the new year in their home provinces.

The funeral was at St. Joseph Church where the Khmer people sit on the floor. Some chairs were brought in for the foreigners.
The Missionaries of Charity offering a blessing for Sr. Carmel.
After the funeral Bishop Olivier gathered with the Missionaries of Charity. The four men with him in the picture are religious brothers of the Missionaries of Charity. They do not wear a distinctive garb as do the sisters.

Another Farewell

Sr. Regina Pellicore is leaving Cambodia tomorrow to return to the United States. Frequently she has attended morning mass with the Missionaries of Charity at their orphanage, and today we took some pictures to remember her last time there.

Next Year in New York

Things were really busy tonight when we were setting up for the Easter Vigil at the DK Meeting Centre in Phnom Penh. I didn’t get a chance to arrange for someone to take photos but after the service was over, we got this photo of Julie Lawler and me and Regina Pellicore getting ready to leave after her last Easter Vigil in Cambodia.

The Triduum

In Holy Week, Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday are known as the Triduum (“three days” in Latin). These ceremonies tell the story of our salvation and are the high point of the church’s liturgical year.

Holy Thursday
The washing of feet in imitation of Jesus’ loving service.
The procession with the eucharist to the altar of repose at the end of the service.
Good Friday
Fr. Pedro presiding during the liturgy of the word.
The veneration of the cross of Jesus.

Palm Sunday Prep

Yesterday I went to St. Joseph Church to pick up the palms we would need for our Saturday evening Palm Sunday service. I found Fr. Chatsirey, the pastor, seated outside with a group of parishioners weaving elaborate crosses from palm.

St. William Mass

The community of St. William Church in Louisville really seek to implement the liturgy defined in the documents of Vatican II, and I try to participate there when I am in Kentucky. Today I attended the 9:00 AM mass.

Seven musicians and a song leader filled the minutes before the liturgy with music. The musicians are on a raised platform at one end of the worship space. Notice the large monitor high on the wall. Today more than 30 people participated online also.
The people participating online really participate. The second reading was done by an online lector, and here a woman at home adds a petition in the prayer of the faithful.
Every time I go to St. William Church I meet people I worked with or knew as friends before I moved to Asia. Today I had the opportunity to catch up with Jerry Hodapp.

USA Trip #5

Gethsemani Day 4

Bp. Stowe continued his talks, working from the documents of Vatican II and Pope Francis. In the morning he spoke about preaching and in the afternoon about Laudato Si.
An important part of a retreat like this is the opportunity to interact with other priests, discussing work and issues as colleagues but also building friendships and a sense of community.
The food at the monastery is quite simple but so good!