Charlie Dittmeier's Home Page
The Catholic Church in Cambodia.
Today we spent the morning moving most of the remaining chairs and other furniture from our old church hall to the chapel we will be using. Click here to see some of the action.
Fr. Bob Wynne started a program in Anlong Knang, a resettlement area outside of Phnom Penh, for the elderly men and women who live there with no families and no support systems. His program gives hot meals to the elderly twice a week plus staples for other days, and there is a core of young volunteers who visit the elderly on weekends to clean the house, wash their clothes, help with problems, take them to the local clinic if they are ill–and most of all just show them love and respect. The interesting thing is that all of the youth volunteers are Buddhist!
I usually try to post some more substantial content on Sundays but yesterday was really chaotic. I prepared the photos in the post below this one but then forgot to put them here on the website. Sorry!
We are going to have to move from our present hall where we celebrate mass to this small chapel at St. Joseph Church, probably in a couple weeks. We had planned the move at the beginning of the year but that was before social distancing started, so tonight after our 5:30 PM mass, we moved a bunch of chairs over to the chapel so we can arrange them tomorrow in different configurations to see how many people we can accommodate there with our new reality. [Thanks to all the parishioners who helped us move a chair or two!]
This is the third weekend we have offered masses on Saturday evening and Sunday morning for groups of twenty parishioners. Click here for more on the Sunday morning mass.
Today at a priests meeting, Bishop Olivier showed us a new gym or exercise room he has set up at the pastoral center. It will be useful for the seminarians living there and also for all the guests who come for retreats and meetings.