Chrism Mass

One of the Catholic services connected with Holy Week and Easter is the Chrism Mass, a special mass in which the bishop blesses the oils used throughout the coming year for the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, anointing of the sick, and ordination.  It is also an occasion for the priests to renew their promise of obedience to their bishop.

The chrism mass today was preceded by a  meeting for all of the 55 or so priests of the country.  Here Fr. Chatsirey, the chancellor of the vicariate, explains some of the forms and procedures for people who want to marry in the church.

Shortly before the mass was to start at 5:00 PM the rains really started pouring and the wind blew it right against the glass doors–and under them.  There was a half inch of water in the main entrance and the tiles were unbelievably slippery.  Apparently that has happened before because the mops were readily available and a PVC pipe cut in half length-wise was use to push and scoop the water toward and out the door.