Today was supposed to be another day of visiting friends but it didn’t quite work out that way.

I was supposed to meet Archbishop Joseph Kurtz at 9:00 AM at the diocesan pastoral center but went I went out to the car, it would not shift out of Park. I tried rocking the car, pumping the brakes, etc., but the shift lever wouldn’t move.

I called the archbishop’s office to tell him that I wouldn’t be able to make it and his secretary suggested that he could come and see me! I didn’t think that was exactly appropriate but half an hour later he was pulling into the driveway of my sister’s house. We had a good visit and also signed a new contract that allows me to continue working with Maryknoll for three more years.
The rest of the visits for the day got canceled but I was able to do a lot of desk work that had followed me around on my travels so things worked out reasonably well.
Then this evening some of the brothers and sisters went to a hospital to visit another sister who was admitted today.