Monday, 8 April 2019
Yesterday was a day for all the Dittmeiers and in-laws to get together and it was really neat. Today I was able to make contact with many friends from over the years. Unfortunately I wasn’t very active with my camera.

This was my home base during my stay in Louisville, my sister’s house. And the car, borrowed from another sister’s family, gave me mobility.
This was my itinerary for the day:
• I went to St. Margaret Mary Church for their 8:15 mass this morning, hoping to see my cousins there but they didn’t make it today.
• Next I went to see the Darcy family whom I have known and worked with since my college days. That was a delightful visit, as always!
• Then I headed to Walmart and picked up some things to take back with me.
• After lunch back at my sister’s house, I went to Sacred Heart Clifton for a visit with Fr. Jerry Timmel from whom I inherited the deaf work in the Louisville archdiocese. We were in the same priests support group for many years and Jerry has been a donor to the Deaf Development Programme.
• Then I went to my cousins’ house and finally got to see Judith and Bob English. I usually stay at their home for a few nights on these trips but because of the schedule and the availability of the car I stayed at my sister’s
• From there I went to the Panera restaurant on Hurstbourne Lane and met with Charlie’s Angels, the four wonderful women whom I met through deaf work and Angela Merici High School. They are another group I try to see on every trip home.