Today was a day I scheduled for me to do a lot of odds and ends:
- In the morning I went to the Walsh Building, the home of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners, and said hello to all the staff there. Here is Cecelia Espinoza, the manager of the Friends Across Border trips.
2. Later I went to St. Teresa’s, the center for elderly and sick priests and brothers and said hello to some friends who have retired there.
3. In the early afternoon I went for a meeting with the personnel manager.
4. Then I borrowed a house car and drove into Ossining to look for a few things I need to take back with me.
5. Then all the board members gathered for supper at the Sisters Center.
6. I was working after supper in my room at the Regina Coeli Building at the Sisters Center and heard some strange noises. Then I realized it was wild turkeys grazing through the wooded area behind the building. I caught sight of some of them in the dusk and they were really big.