Today was the full meeting day, the most important day of this board session.
The official board meeting started with a liturgy for the board members and staff. Charlie Dittmeier presided at the mass.
Chris Keavney served as eucharistic minister and offered the cup to Heidi Cerneka.
At a breakfast with the staff after the mass, Marj Humphrey introduced herself. She is Director of Mission for the Maryknoll Lay Missioners.
Two of the MKLM staff–Ana Rodrigues and Dorothy Hebrank–helped with the clean up after breakfast.
Bob Carlsen makes a point in a small discussion based on the strategic plan process.
Another small group discussion. L-R: Ana Rodrigues, Leslie Lopez, Tim Miller, Andy DiLoreto
The board met in the Central America Room in the seminary building because the number of people was too great for the Walsh Building meeting room.
At the end of the day, the barbecue crew began preparing the chicken for dinner.
There was a lot of happy conversation among the board members and new MKLM candidates present for dinner.
After dinner, the board said farewell to Charlie Dittmeier at his last meeting as a member of the board and then Jill, one of the MKLM candidates led the group in song.