My room this year was on the 19th floor of the Monarch Skyline Hotel and I had a wonderful view of the city of Taoyuan. The only bad thing about the room was the thick duvet on the bed–way too warm unless you turned the air conditioning to the SNOW setting, which I didn’t want to do.I had been wondering what is the purpose of large boxes I saw painted on the street on the traffic side of the crosswalks. Later a local explained that people on motorcycles who want to turn left are not allowed to use the left lane but must go to the right, into the box (following the red line), and then go forward in the desired direction along with the traffic behind them. It’s considered too dangerous to have the many motorcycles mixing with the turning traffic.After breakfast, the guys started checking out of the hotel and ten of us went to the Maryknoll Taipei house either to sightsee or to catch later flights. Here Brothers John Beeching (L) and Tim Raible from Thailand check some maps to see where they want to go.I spent the afternoon working in my room, trying to catch up with some of the e-mail.
Henry met me at Maryknoll after work and we walked over to a dim sum restaurant not too far from the Maryknoll house. Henry is a nuclear physicist and really interesting to talk to.The 101 Building, the Taipei landmark and one of the tallest buildings in the world.Henry Wong in downtown Taipei at night.