Much of Cambodia operates on an informal economy basis, that is, the shops are small, family-owned, situated in the family house, not-registered with the government, not-taxed, with no bank account, etc. I suspect a lot of the furniture industry is that way just because of the large numbers of people selling the heavy wooden furniture on the streets. It is probably manufactured in shops in the rural provinces and then hauled to Phnom Penh for final finishing or for sale. Here are pictures of furniture being sold in Phnom Penh.
Trailers full of furniture can be anywhere. This one is parked next to a large wat.There are some locations in the city that are known for the furniture sales, so that if you show up there on any given day, two or three of the dealers will be waiting for you. Each of the beds here would weigh 500-1000 pounds. This a major street beside the Royal University of Phnom Penh.The wood used in this furniture is so dense that it is more like steel than wood and so is relatively impervious to stains, water damage, even to scratches and gouges. On top of that, it has several layers of lacquer and varnish for additional protection. Thus this man enjoying one of his creations doesn’t mind its getting rained on.This family (see them sleeping in the front “cabin”) is from a rural area. In between planting and harvesting rice, they make furniture and come and live on the streets of Phnom Penh to get an off-season income.This is a cheaper, simpler design, for a family with some upward mobility but not enough money for the really expensive styles.Some of the wealthier manufacturers bring their wares to town by truck rather than by motorcycle wagon or tractor-pulled wagon.