Thanksgiving 2017

Thanksgiving Day is a United States holiday, of course, and all the Maryknollers were present, but various other nationalities were represented also, friends who work closely with Maryknoll.

Fr. Bob Wynne and Sr. Helene O’Sullivan were the responsible people in the kitchen. Here they look for more serving utensils.
While Bob and Helene worked with the Big Chicken in the kitchen, the other Maryknollers and guests socialized in the living room.
We started a little earlier this year and there was more time for groups to get together and talk.
Five minutes before official dinner time, there was a short prayer service and blessing (topmost photo above) and then the tables were moved into position for the eating.
Finally it was serving time. Everyone contributed in some way, bringing a dish or wine or helping with the setup or other tasks.
Overall it was a really grand occasion with good food and good people on a good holiday–for which we were thankful.
Karen Bortvedt who recently returned to the U.S. was remembered–and fed–tonight.
There were some really scrumptious desserts to bring closure to a delightful meal.