Today was a full day of meetings, starting with a liturgy first thing and ending in the evening with a dinner to recognize the board members who were retiring at this meeting.
As is customary for our board meetings, we started with a liturgy in the chapel in the Walsh Building. In addition to the board members, the Walsh Building staff and the new MKLM candidates were also invited.The first order of business was a report on financial sustainability after a review by a consulting firm. The board was pleased with the thorough report on MKLM’s financial situation.At the end of the morning the various committees of the board met. The Advancement Committee met in the office of Susan Wallace (L), the Advancement Department director.After lunch the full board walked up the hill on the Maryknoll Sisters campus to Regina Coeli, the building that has been proposed as a possible headquarters for the Maryknoll Lay Missioners. Sam Stanton explained some of the building features as we arrived.Looking around inside the building were Bill Vos, Mike Wrob, and Charlie Dittmeier.After the visit to Regina Coeli, Mike Wrob and Mike Noonan walked back to the Walsh Building through the seminary campus.In the evening the entire board went to supper together, to honor those retiring from the board: (L-R) Mike Noonan, Sam Stanton (retiring as Executive Director), Mike Wrob, Marci Winston (non-retiring MKLM administrator), Bill Vos, Tom Healey, and Kathy Bond.