13 October — Board Meetings (Day 1)

Today was the official start of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners Board of Directors meeting.  It was also another really pleasant early autumn day, with some of the trees starting to change their colors.

Early autumn at Maryknoll, NY

Preliminary meeting

Immediately after lunch there was a preliminary meeting about replacing board members who are finishing their term.  Bill Vos, Marj Humphrey, and Kathy Bond were at this meeting along with Greg Darr (not pictured).

New candidate introductions

Then at 5:00 PM the board members and the incoming class of new Maryknoll Lay Missioners candidates met together in the Walsh Building (MKLM’s office building) for introductions.  We seem to have a really good, really articulate class this year.

Kate O'Neil

Kate O’Neil is one of the new class entering Maryknoll Lay Missioners this year.  Here she speaks to the board and her classmates about why she decided to go into mission and why she chose to go into mission with Maryknoll.  Kate has been assigned to Cambodia.

After dinner discussions

We had a pizza dinner together and many went back to their rooms to prepare for the full day tomorrow.  This group stayed on in the Walsh Building to continue discussions.  L to R: Mike Wrob, Marj Humphrey, Ian Bautista, Sr. Anastasia Lott (from the Maryknoll Sisters’ leadership team), and Mark Wittenberg.