Today was the fifth and final day of the retreat with Sr. Kathleen Duffy.
In the last few years the retreat center has been continually renovated and embellished, as with these decorative awnings catching the morning sun.
Regina Pellicore makes some morning announcements before the first presentation begins while Maria Montello waits her turn.
Joe Thaler and Regina Pellicore work on the reporting posters for Nepal and Cambodia.
The final retreat liturgy incorporated some of the ideas and vision of Teilhard de Chardin in artistic fashion. Here various members of the Cambodia Mission Team help to create the environment for the celebration.
After mass we presented several gifts to Sr. Kathleen Duffy, our retreat leader this past week.
Then for some who will not be attending the Maryknoll meetings the next two days, it was time to head back to Bangkok. Here Ralph Maughn waits for his traveling companions for the four-hour trip.
There’s always time for one more selfie. Here Olga Pacumbaba, Fr. Bill McIntire, and Arlene Sale create some visual memories.
Tonight I had to walk down the highway to a 7-11 store to pay a fee to Bangkok Airways for changing my return ticket to Phnom Penh on Wednesday. On the way back I grabbed this shot of the retreat center courtyard lit up at night.