Sr. Nora Malawin reads from scripture at the morning prayer in chapel.Ricky Manalo advances the slides of his complex visual presentation about liturgy and how we perceive it.Sr. Len Montiel reads the first reading at the liturgy before lunch, after the morning talks.There was some rain today that really cooled things off–and kept some of our group from walking on the beach during free time.Fr. Mike Sloboda tries some new things on his smartphone.Fr. Kevin Conroy (standing) has an impromptu meeting at the end of supper.With Maria Montello and Steve Chinnavaso on guitars, a group celebrated the social hour with the golden oldie songs still in vogue after 50 years.Again this evening the group had a video hookup with Fr. James Martin, noted Jesuit author and speaker, who presented his ideas on spirituality and joy and mirth.