A couple years ago the Retreat House added large artistic canvas awnings above the space between the two wings of the residential building. Their purpose is more artistic than functional.
After breakfast Leslie Lopez, the director of the development department of the Maryknoll Lay Missioners, lingers with a cup of coffee in the outside area.
Rodrigo Ullao from Taiwan and Larry Lewis talk before the first presentation in the morning.
A view of Larry Lewis’ presentation from the rear of the room.
The participants of the Maryknoll retreat and meetings, 2019
Meding Tan and Steve Chinnavaso play guitars for the opening song of the morning liturgy.
Fr. Rodrigo Ullao and Monica as lector
Enjoying the afternoon break outside
At the social hour before supper, the guitars emerged for the first time this trip and accompanied renditions of many of the folk songs and early rock and roll ballads from the 60s and 70s.