Today was a full day of activities. The morning was given over to teaching games and then in the afternoon all the Cambodian people went to Angkor Wat. Many of the deaf people had never seen their country’s most famous site. The evening was low key, games for fun, a movie, and a lot of talking.
Breakfast each morning is a hefty mixture of baguettes, noodles, and fruit. There was even some western cereal for the adventurous who would not be accustomed to that.Every meal is another opportunity for more animated conversation for deaf people who rarely have someone to talk to in their own language.The morning started with the rest of the feedback from the groups about their scavenger hunt in the night market last night.At the morning and afternoon breaks, tea and coffee were available.After the break there was a teaching game that required the players to help each other not be eaten by “crocodiles.”After each meal, the different groups took turns washing the dishes.After the lunch dishes were finished, it was time to go to Angkor Wat. Each group arranged its own transportation. The foreigners didn’t go because the government just raised the one-day ticket price to $37 and that is way too much for an afternoon! Admission is free for Cambodian people.A four-headed image from Cambodian mythology, similar to the stone faces found on the Bayon Temple at Angkor Wat. This is in the Metta Karuna garden.When everyone returned from Angkor Wat hot and tired, it was time for showers and then supper, and then a quiet evening of games and conversation.