Today was another of those days, part religious holiday for us Westerners and a normal working day for the people of Cambodia.
The day started at the Maryknoll Deaf Development Programme where we had a graduation ceremony for the Year 2 students who have finished their studies.
The Year 2 class with their certificates.
Then it was on to St. Joseph Church on the other side of town for the Christmas morning mass. It was well attended and a pleasant gathering of the faith community.
One of the nice things about St. Joseph Church, where we use a big hall, is that we can put mats on the floor in the rear and children and their families can sit and play in an atmosphere that allows their parents to participate in the liturgy–mostly!
Then it was a mad dash on a motorcycle taxi back to the Deaf Development Programme office where we had a farewell ceremony for our administrator, Ms. Nob Samnang (far right) who is leaving us this week.
Charlie Dittmeier presenting a gift from DDP to Samnang.
After lunch Charlie Dittmeier went to the St. Elizabeth Center for the Sick run by the church. We have a man recovering from a stroke there. These people were Christmas Day visitors for some of the other patients.
Shortly after the St. Elizabeth visit, it was time to gather at the Maryknoll office for a Christmas dinner with the Maryknoll members and people who are associated with us regularly through the year.
This was the kitchen clean-up crew after the dinner: Len Montiel, Charlie Dittmeier, Ann Sherman, and Bob Wynne.