Category: Deaf
People and activities in the Cambodian deaf world
FAD/DPF Visit (Day 5a)
Today was a field trip to Kampong Cham Province where the Finnish Association of the Deaf has funded our community development work.
FAD/DPF Visit (Day 4)
FAD/DPF Visit (Day 3)
FAD/DPF Visit (Day 2)
Today was the first full day of work, with meetings at the Deaf Development Programme office.
FAD/DPF Visit (Day 1)
Today a delegation from the Finnish Association of the Deaf (FAD) and the Disability Partnership Finland (DPF) arrived in Cambodia for a week-long monitoring visit.
Deaf Day at DAC
In recent years the Disability Action Council has celebrated their own Deaf Day, apart from the activities of the deaf community. This year it was the last of the Deaf Week events. At the DAC headquarters, several hundred deaf people–mostly students–were invited to a reception with an under-secretary of state for the Ministry of Social Affairs.
Pchum Ben 2
Some more photos of the pre-departure fun before the DDP students went home for the Pchum Ben holidays. The students were playing LOUD music and showing off dance moves they picked up from Tik-Tok.
Pchum Ben at DDP
Pchum Ben is the Buddhist equivalent of the Catholic All Souls Day, a time to remember, respect, and pray for deceased family and ancestors. Unlike All Souls Day, it’s a 15-day celebration with the last three days as public holidays. The holidays will be next Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday but our students went home today.
Deaf Week–Day 8 (#3)
A large part of the afternoon was given to really simple games that kept the crowd occupied in various parts of the building. Winners of the individual games had a tally sheet stamped and with three wins they could select a prize.