Angkor Forest was the name of the meeting center where we had our staff gathering. It is built around the top of what is a mountain in Cambodia. Click here to see pictures of the grounds and buildings. Really nice.
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People and activities in the Cambodian deaf world
Angkor Forest was the name of the meeting center where we had our staff gathering. It is built around the top of what is a mountain in Cambodia. Click here to see pictures of the grounds and buildings. Really nice.
Every year at DDP we have a large staff meeting and retreat near the end of the year. We use it for training and updating and for bringing the staff together from different provinces. Click here to see Day 1 of the trip.
I am sorry for the absence of any posts for the last four days. That wasn’t the plan as we headed north to the province of Mondulkiri for an annual meeting of all the DDP staff from Phnom Penh and Kampong Cham.
The overall experience was quite good for the 35 staff who attended. It was a long drive each way but we stopped (too) many times so people had a chance to get out of the buses. And Angkor Forest, the resort/meeting center where we were based was quite nice and the staff were cooperative although the options and services were limited.
But then we had our difficulties, too:
All in all it was a good trip and I will be showing various aspects here in the next few days.
Next week we are going on an annual all-staff meeting we use for training and explanation of policy and building a sense of community among our staff from the different provinces. Today we had a meeting at our Phnom Penh office to explain what we need to do to prepare for next week.
A recurring problem at the Deaf Development Programme—and throughout Cambodia—is termites. As we were preparing for the reopening of our classrooms, we found that termites had once again invaded some cabinets and chewed on books, shelves, etc. Here two teachers discard some damaged materials.
Most of our staff are working most of the time from home but the Education Project and Sign Language Project staff are at the Deaf Development Programme at least one or two days a week to make videos. Some of the videos are for our education students at home and some are for public announcements about the Covid-19 situation. The videos get posted on DDP’s Facebook pages.
Here are Soknym, the DDP Program Manager, and Fr. Charlie at the Ministry of Social Affairs today where we handed over a ton of rice to the ministry for distribution to people in Covid-19 “red zones” where they are not allowed even to leave their houses to get food. There the government delivers rice to the houses every day or two. That is the rice behind us. I thought a ton of rice would make a bigger pile!
Today we had a scaled down celebration of Deaf Day. In other years we had 200-300 deaf people come together for this event but with the pandemic, we had to limit participants to a minimum. Click here to see some of the events of the day.