Category: Deaf
People and activities in the Cambodian deaf world
Lower the ceiling?
On an inspection visit of our hostel for deaf students, a team from the Ministry of Social Affairs didn’t like that there was no ceiling above the dorm rooms but rather open space up to the metal roof twenty feet above. From my understanding, that design allows the hot air to rise well above the living area and also keeps the hot roof above the humans. They wanted a suspended ceiling, though, so now they are getting one. It will be interesting to learn from the students, when they return, if the rooms are now hotter or cooler.
At long last…
Today Sau Soknym was finally able to pick up the new three-year MOU for DDP with the Ministry of Social Affairs. Those things take an incredibly long time, so long this time that the minister questioned his staff about it.
Makes one wonder…
Post-Lockdown Day 2
New “old” staff
Online Learning
Our Education Project classes have been canceled most of 2020 and 2021 but we’re still trying to provide some learning experiences for our deaf students. Here some of our staff make short video lessons to post on a special Facebook page for the students to study at home.