DLTP Training

The Deaf Leadership Training Program now going on at DDP has invited deaf leaders from other countries to share with the DLTP team their wisdom and experience with national associations of the deaf. This week Tien (far left), a deaf leader from Vietnam, came to work with our staff.

Deaf Leadership Training

At the Caritas Deaf Development Programme, we have leadership training going on as a preliminary step to establishing a national association of the deaf.

Today our DLTP team met with Mariah (C) from the Philippines. She is a leader in their national deaf association and helped our group understand the differences and commonalities of deaf associations around the world.

DLTP Meeting

This week the Deaf Leadership Training Program had an all-day meeting to finalize a concept paper or proposal to be sent to be considered for funding by the Finnish Association of the Deaf. Here the Cambodian staff members of the training team and the management of DDP discuss whether to approve or not the draft version of the proposal.

Student Experience

After a carcinoma was removed from my right forearm, I needed to change the bandage every two days and it was almost impossible with just one hand. Today I asked some of the deaf students to help.

Primarily I just wanted to give them a new experience since they would not be exposed much to this type of wound. There is no Cambodian sign for cancer so I just signed there was a problem in my arm and then explained the steps of biopsy, excision, bandaging, removal of the stitches, etc. They would probably not also have a chance to see the actual stitches in someone’s arm.
Another reason for asking them to help was to affirm them. Deaf people in Cambodia are looked down upon and mostly ignored. These young people have never even talked to their own parents because their families do not know sign language. They can get the impression that they are useless, a burden on the family, and without value. Letting them help me and my thanking them gives them a sense that they are good and can do good things and people will appreciate them.

Training the way it should be….

This week a representative of the national deaf association of Thailand (by the fan) came to Phnom Penh as part of the training of young Cambodian deaf people to be leaders in a national association here. it is wonderful to see deaf leaders training our deaf leaders in fluent sign language. They learn so much more when their teacher is deaf himself!

Sign language resource

Patrick Labelle is a French friend of the deaf who has developed an app for learning and using sign language. It’s for use by deaf children more than the general public.

Patrick explains his app, named Sign Discovery, to Julie Lawler and Thuch Sophy from our DDP education project.

UNDP Validation Workshop

The United Nations Development Programme has been conducting an analysis of the situation of deaf people in Cambodia. Today there was a workshop to review the initial findings and offer comments and corrections.

Mr. Sit Song, a director at UNDP, welcomed all the participants from the deaf community, NGOs, and government offices.
Nino, an external consultant hired to conduct the analysis, presented the preliminary findings.
Charlie offered an observation about the role of government after part of the presentation.