Trip to USA–Confusion

In all the running around and trying to get online, I found today that I had not copied all my photos from my camera to my laptop for use on this website.  I’ll try to sort it out tomorrow from Phnom Penh—it’s too late tonight in Taipei.   But in the meanwhile I’ll throw in an extra photo from Saturday, 20 October.  When I was leaving Maryknoll, New York, I had my camera packed away when I found the Ossining Fire Department practicing with their ladder truck on the seminary building.  I grabbed this photo with my phone but then forgot to include it when posting photos for that day.

Trip to Taiwan

It is now 3:29 PM in Taipei and I am getting ready to head up into the mountains with a retreat group.  I don’t know if the schedule and the internet connections will allow much contact so my next posting here may be delayed.